Check your PayPal Email address is correct! (And your Spam folder, Gmail users especially!)
These radio, TV, record player, amplifier, amp and tape or cassette recorder schematics, circuit diagrams and service manuals are mostly high quality,
very readable scans and will usually be Emailed within an hour or two, if I need to scan an item, or it's the middle of the night, it may take a little longer!
Here in the UK it is 03:10.
If more than one schematic is listed for a model I will generally send them all, unless too big to attach!
Specialising in British schematics
Pye etc. also American and German manuals feature strongly,
search for what you need.
Multi page manuals are Emailed as pdfs.
Please Email or phone 0788 4425213
Thanks for looking, Mike.
Search for your Schematic
Fill in the "Make" and "Model" boxes, if you are unsure of the model, leave it blank
and I will list ALL models for that manufacturer, similarly if you only have the model number
leave "Make" blank and I will list similar model names from ALL manufacturers.
How to repair your radio.
More explanation here. Some sources searched :-
Book Set | KEY | Years |
J.F. Riders Perpetual | Rider | 1920-54 |
Trader Service sheets | Trader | 1933-81 |
Beitmans Radio Diags | Beitman | 1926-69 |
Beitmans TV Diagrams | BeitmanTV | 1947-70 |
Gernsback Radio Diags. | Gernsback | 1922-34 |
Empfanger Schaltungen | ES | 1928-57 |
RCA Service Notes | RCASN | 1923-52 |
Broadcaster Supplements | Broadcaster | 1934-42 |
Radio and TV 36 vol set | RTV | 1945-86 |
Radio and TV 5 vol set | RTV5 | 1945-54 |
Crosley Service Suppls. | Crosley | 1929-42 |
My Pre-scanned Files | File | =>2022 |
The search logic is slightly "fuzzy" in that it's case insensitive and ignores punctuation so,
model TR-510 is the same as tr510, and G.E.C is the same as "gec".